Maths Outdoors

Maths Outdoors

What a lovely morning for maths outdoors! These children took their data collecting to another level this morning – they were tallying the different types of vehicles that passed through Woodquay! #ActiveLearning #TheGreatOutdoors #Waterside #Woodquay...
Past Pupils

Past Pupils

Always so delighted to welcome our past pupils back for a visit!! #CéadMíleFáilte #SchoolCommunity #Waterside #Woodquay #GalwayCity      
Basketball with Jake

Basketball with Jake

Basketball Monday! Lots and lots of energy on the playground this morning! Maith sibh a pháistí!! #ActiveSchool #CitySchool #Waterside #Woodquay...
News Reports

News Reports

The children in 5th and 6th had a great time acting out news reports based on our class novel. We have some budding news reporters in our midst!...
St. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day

❤️A visit from Reverend Alistair to our school on St. Valentine’s Day brought lots of smiles and happy vibes! Always and ever a great start to our Fridays! #SchoolCommunity #HiddenGem #HeartOfGalway A visit from Rev....