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Keep track of what's happening at our schoolCharlie Byrne’s Bookshop
3rd and 4th took a short walk to Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop today where they got to use their World Book Day vouchers to pick a book from the special World Book Day selection. A great way to celebrate reading and encourage a love of books!
Ag Damhsa le Louise Curran
☘️Yes! Another action-packed day in St. Nicholas’ Parochial School! Bhíomar ag damhsa le Louise Curran sa Halla ar maidin agus bhí an-craic againn!! Maith sibh gach duine - Lá Fhéile Pádraig Sona Daoibh go Léir! #SNaG2025 #ActiveSchool #HiddenGem #GalwayCity [gallery...
Lá Glas 2025
☘️Another day like no other in the life of St. Nicholas’ Parochial School, Galway City! There was sunshine, singing and smiles as the children rambled down Shop St. this morning for Lá Glas - much to the joy of the people of Galway! #SchoolLife #CityCentre #HiddenGem...
Gaelic with Oisín
⚽GAA coaching with Oisín was taken to another level of action today! The eagerness and enthusiasm of these children says it all! #ActiveSchool #CitySchool #GalwayCity
FAI Primary 5s
⚽A huge well done to our incredible team who represented the school at the FAI competition today! We couldn’t be prouder of how well you all worked together, showing fantastic teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the day. Keep up the amazing effort, and remember –...
Tráth na gCeist 2025
☘️ Bhí Tráth na gCeist 2025 againn ar maidin! Bhain na páistí an taitneamh as! To celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025, ten teams from 1st to 6th class participated in a general knowledge quiz in Irish! The knowledge of these children is truly amazing!! Afterwards, 5th...
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Next Up: Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Lá Glas! Another fun-filled week ahead in the life of St. Nicholas’ Parochial School! Get your ‘cúpla focail’ and your Green, White and Gold ready for the week ahead!! #SNaG2025 #AnGhaeilge
International Day
⭐Oh wow! What an amazing international day! Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the celebrations. We really appreciate all your support and involvement. A special thanks to 5th and 6th class who helped to organise and set up the day. You are all...
International Day 2025
International Day tomorrow! All Welcome!! #Throwback #SchoolOfAThousandWelcomes #Waterside #Woodquay #GalwayCity
Happy World Book Day!
Happy World Book Day everyone! There was a lot of book related activities going on in our school today! Junior and Senior Infants went to Dubray Books! First and Second Class loved the read aloud called ‘After the Fall’ by Dan Santat! The Senior Classes went to...
Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop
These children really enjoyed their trip to Charlie Byrne’s Bookshop today, ahead of World Book Day tomorrow! They got to listen to the amazing author and illustrator Taylor Dolan – they even got to bring one of her books back to school! Thank you so much to Taylor...
GAA with Oisín
⚽Hand passing was the skill of the day today with Oisín! There wasn’t a minute to lose – these children absolutely mastered it! Bring on next week! #ActiveSchool #CitySchool #GAA
Pancake Tuesday
Happy Pancake Tuesday! A big thank you to everyone who helped out in the hall this morning and also for the generous donations! MADRA are delighted with the amount our school raised! Maith sibh gach duine! #HiddenGem #GalwayCity [gallery link="file"...
What a great morning for basketball coaching with Jake! A great start to the day and the week!! #ActiveSchool #CitySchool #HiddenGem
Spanish Classes
The senior classes started Spanish lessons this morning. Thank you so much Bernie for a fantastic first class, we're looking forward to next week already! #LanguagesConnect #Waterside #Woodquay #GalwayCity
A Visit from a Vet!
We had a very exciting visitor in Junior and Seniors Infants today when Kasia came to show us what she does in her job as a vet! She showed us how she would perform an operation on a dog who has eaten things he shouldn’t, like toys and clothes! We had great fun...
Fabric and Fibre
Fabric and fibre in this room today! How creative are these absolute masterpieces!! #VisualArts #Creativity #Imagination #EggCartons #HiddenGem #GalwayCity
Gaelic Football
We were delighted to welcome Oisín from Fr. Griffin’s/Éire Óg to our school this morning! Oisín will be with us every Wednesday, coaching all classes, for the next few weeks! #ActiveSchool #AllWeather #HiddeGem #GalwayCity [gallery link="file"...