Welcome to Our Blog
Keep track of what's happening at our schoolSquare Numbers
5th and 6th class have been working on square numbers. They were checking to see which numbers would work to make a square number using counters! Great team work shown!
Galway Science & technology Festival
⭐Make sure to stop by the amazing Junior & Senior Infant stand at the Galway Science and Technology Festival in the University of Galway Campus on Sunday where you will be in for an absolute treat! Ar fheabhas a pháistí! Our scientists of the future!!
Carol Singing
That time of year again! These wonderful children sang their hearts out in the hall this morning, in preparation for our annual Nativity and Carol Service on December 6th!! #HiddenGem #HeartOfGalwayCity
Thank You
We received this lovely message from GOAL today. Thank you all again for your generosity on the day. #SchoolCommunity #HiddenGem #GalwayCity
Soccer Coaching with Ben
⚽Another fantastic session with Ben yesterday! One of the highlights of our week! We cannot wait for next Wednesday!! #TeamSpirit #ActiveSchool @faigalway
City Tribune
Have you seen these beautiful photos that were in the City Tribute last Friday! ‘Spooktacular’ we’re sure you’ll agree!!! #CityCentreSchool #HeartOfGalwayCity #SchoolCommunity
Spook Walk
Lots and lots of unusual characters in Waterside, Woodquay today! They even made a trip down Shop Street and brought a smile to so many faces! #CityCentreSchool #HiddenGem #SpookWalk #Waterside #Woodquay #GalwayCity [gallery link="file"...
Soccer Program for Girls
Our school was very lucky to be chosen to have a fully funded Football (Soccer) program for Girls aged 5 – 8 run in our school. The program is called UEFA Playmakers and is run by the FAI. It is a program to encourage more girls into sport and hopefully link into...
School Hoodies
Just a few of our school hoodies that were delivered yesterday! Thank you to The Schoolwear Centre. Tá na hoodies go hálainn ar fad!!! #HiddenGem #HeartOfGalwayCity
Bishop Michael’s Visit
We were delighted to welcome Bishop Michael to our school today. He shared some very thoughtful and kind words to each of the classes. Go raibh míle maith agat Bishop Michael for stopping by.
Madra Visit
Louise and Aideen from MADRA visited our senior classes today to share some valuable lessons about responsible pet ownership. We learned all about how to keep our dogs safe with proper collars and microchipping, the importance of picking up after our pets, and how to...
Baboró 2024
❤️All classes enjoyed their recent trips to the various theatres around the city for the Baboró International Children’s Festival 2024.
RNLI Art Competition
Well done to these children who won a prize in the recent RNLI art competition. Maith sibh!
Maths Week 2024
Lots of maths talk and problem solving today as we celebrate Maths Week 2024!! #MathsTalk #MathsEyes #ProblemSolving
GOAL Jersey Day 2024
Lots and lots of jerseys to be seen today for GOAL Jersey Day! Thank you very much for all your contributions. #GreenSchool #GOALJerseyDay2024
Walk on Wednesday
Oh wow! What a turnout this morning for Walk to School Week! Well done everybody. Maith sibh! Same time, same place tomorrow! If it suits you, we would love to see you there! #ActiveSchool #GreenSchool #WalkToSchoolWednesday [gallery link="file"...
Open Day October 19th
PLEASE SHARE We are having our annual Open Day on Saturday October 19th. The school will be open from 11 am – 2 pm for people to have a look around and meet some parents, pupils and staff. Please pass on the word to family, friends, neighbours and colleagues or anyone...
St. Francis’ Day
As Reverend Alistair said this morning ‘History was made today’ as four Galway City Primary Schools gathered in St. Nicholas’ Collegiate Church for an Ecumenical School Service to celebrate St. Francis' Day. What a wonderful occasion. Thank you so much to Reverend...