Maths Outdoors

Maths Outdoors

What a lovely morning for maths outdoors! These children took their data collecting to another level this morning – they were tallying the different types of vehicles that passed through Woodquay! #ActiveLearning #TheGreatOutdoors #Waterside #Woodquay...
Past Pupils

Past Pupils

Always so delighted to welcome our past pupils back for a visit!! #CéadMíleFáilte #SchoolCommunity #Waterside #Woodquay #GalwayCity      
Basketball with Jake

Basketball with Jake

Basketball Monday! Lots and lots of energy on the playground this morning! Maith sibh a pháistí!! #ActiveSchool #CitySchool #Waterside #Woodquay...
News Reports

News Reports

The children in 5th and 6th had a great time acting out news reports based on our class novel. We have some budding news reporters in our midst!...
St. Valentine’s Day

St. Valentine’s Day

❤️A visit from Reverend Alistair to our school on St. Valentine’s Day brought lots of smiles and happy vibes! Always and ever a great start to our Fridays! #SchoolCommunity #HiddenGem #HeartOfGalway A visit from Rev....
Safer Internet Day 2025

Safer Internet Day 2025

Today is also Safer Internet Day. All classes discussed the benefits of the internet but also about how important it is to stay safe online! Lots more talk and discussion planned again tomorrow throughout the school! #PrepareProtectThrive #SID2025...