Lá Glas 2025

Lá Glas 2025

☘️Another day like no other in the life of St. Nicholas’ Parochial School, Galway City! There was sunshine, singing and smiles as the children rambled down Shop St. this morning for Lá Glas – much to the joy of the people of Galway! #SchoolLife #CityCentre...
Gaelic with Oisín

Gaelic with Oisín

⚽GAA coaching with Oisín was taken to another level of action today! The eagerness and enthusiasm of these children says it all! #ActiveSchool #CitySchool...
FAI Primary 5s

FAI Primary 5s

⚽A huge well done to our incredible team who represented the school at the FAI competition today!  We couldn’t be prouder of how well you all worked together, showing fantastic teamwork and sportsmanship throughout the day. Keep up the amazing effort, and remember –...
Tráth na gCeist 2025

Tráth na gCeist 2025

☘️ Bhí Tráth na gCeist 2025 againn ar maidin! Bhain na páistí an taitneamh as! To celebrate Seachtain na Gaeilge 2025, ten teams from 1st to 6th class participated in a general knowledge quiz in Irish! The knowledge of these children is truly amazing!! Afterwards, 5th...
Seachtain na Gaeilge

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Next Up: Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Lá Glas! Another fun-filled week ahead in the life of St. Nicholas’ Parochial School! Get your ‘cúpla focail’ and your Green, White and Gold ready for the week ahead!! #SNaG2025 #AnGhaeilge  
International Day

International Day

⭐Oh wow! What an amazing international day! Thank you so much to everyone who took part in the celebrations. We really appreciate all your support and involvement. A special thanks to 5th and 6th class who helped to organise and set up the day. You are all...